Colette Roper – Piano Pieces

ClientArt INto Life / Tochnit Aleph
Datemarch 2023
Category, ,

Considered one of the most influential contemporary artists, Dieter Roth was consistent in his artistic search for inner self through and produced artworks in the various media, from graphics, drawings, and sculptures, to assemblages / ready-made, sound and music recordings.
Dieter Roth’s Verlag was founded in 1974 under the name Dieter Roth’s Familienverlag and renamed in 1978. The label gradually acquired something of a cult status the 1970s, and Colette Roper’s “Piano Pieces”, which was released in 1979, was one of the hardest to find album among Dieter Roth’s Verlag catalogues. Much is unknown about Colette Roper and “Piano Pieces” was her only album.
The front sleeve features a hand-drawn butterfly on yellow background, the rear sleeve features a photograph of women with a bunch of flowers in their hands and poems. And the work engraved on the vinyl is rough-hewn piano minimalism with a lot of hiss and fragile innocence.
As with Dieter Roth’s artworks, there is underlying feel of decay and metamorphosis. Primitive innocence and enigmatic elements featured in this obscure album will provoke various speculations about many other elements hidden inside.

彫刻やレディメイド作品で知られる現代美術の偉人Dieter Roth。多くの名作及びカルト盤を残した自身主宰のDieter Roth’s Verlagより1979年にリリースした謎の演奏家Colette Roperによる唯一作[Piano Pieces]を初復刻。ジャケット表側には黄色を背景とした手描きの蝶、裏側には花束を持った女性と詩、そして演奏は躓きながらも朧気なパターンを続けるヒスノイズにまみれたピアノソロという、素朴な美しさと多くの謎めいた要素が様々な想像を掻き立てる稀有なアーティストレコード。 


released March 3, 2023

Remastered by Jos Smolders in 2022. LP comes with a download code for the entire album.Split release between Art Into Life and Tochnit Aleph.

Jos Smoldersによる2022年リマスタリング版を収録。LP版はDLコード付き。Tochnit Alephとの共同リリース。